
Thanks for your interest in undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral study at Syracuse University. You will find that Syracuse University offers outstanding opportunities in tissue engineering, biomedical, and biomaterials research. I encourage you to visit the websites of the Bioinspired Institute, the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering, and the College of Engineering and Computer Science to learn more about our faculty, postdocs, and students, and their current projects.

The work in my lab is lies at the interface of biomechanics, mechanobiology, and tissue engineering, with a special emphasis on biomaterials. Our most current projects focus on developing smart materials for the study and application of cell mechanobiology and developing advanced computational tools to enable the study and application of cell mechanobiology.

From time to time, specific positions in the lab will need to be filled. If that is the case, a position announcement will be posted below, and a link to that posting will be present on the Henderson Lab Home page. If there currently is not a posting, but you are interested in becoming a member of my lab, you should send me an email at the address below to inquire about current or future openings in the lab. In your email, please include the following (if available):

  • The reasons for your interest in undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral research in general, and in my lab in particular.
  • Your resume, any publications (or references to published work), relevant qualifications, classes, and any additional material (e.g., proposals) that you think may be relevant.
  • Your GPA and GRE (%) and any experience with molecular biology, engineering, and other laboratory techniques and methods.

About a week after you send the materials above, please send a follow-up email if you have not received a response.

Contact Information
Please contact Prof. James Henderson by email at